PTC - PTR: Soal Tugas Pendahuluan Modul 4 Praktikum SQL (Jumat, jam 07.00 pagi)

Soal Tugas Pendahuluan Modul 4 Praktikum SQL (Jumat, jam 07.00 pagi)

Cari Dasar Teori: Reporting Agregated Data Using The Group Funtions

1. AVG
2. Count
3. Max
4. Min
5. Sttdev
6. SUM
7. variance

1. Created example for each function and use SQL PLUS / SCL C-Prompt.(avg, Max, Min, Sttdev, Sum, Variance)
2. Display maximum and minimum salary from each jobs.
3. Explain about STDDEV and VARIANCE functions and give the example.
4. What is the different between HAVING clause and WHERE clause?
5. example query use function (Group By ... ... Having)

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