PTC - PTR: April 2010

Tugas Pendahuluan Modul 2 Sesi SQL-SI2 (Jumat 07.00-09.00)

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Find Basic Theory:

  • Restricting and Sorting Data
  • Comparison Condition
  • Logical Operator (NOT, AND, OR)

Question For Modul 2

  1. Example of query which has function to Compare Data. (Like, In, Between ---each one by one---)
  2. Explain the difeerences and function of umpersand (&) and double umpersand (&&).
  3. HR DEPARTMENT want to create a report based on the manager. Create a query and input on the prom by the user for ID and display manager employee_id, lasty_name, salary and department of manager of such employees. Sort by column had been entered. (User input for …Manager_id = 102 )
  4. Create a query to display the employee_id, last name, and salary ... sort of salary is the smallest
  5. Display last_name who has “H” on the first alphabet.
  6. Display last_name who has “A” and “E”

Fix Query:
• Select emp_no, name_last, posisi; salry
From employee_id;
Where gaji => 9000
Or jobs_id like %MAN%

• Slect last_name, job_id
From employes;
Wher jobs_idi
Not in “IT_PROG’,ST_CLEK’;,’SA_REP’;)

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